Building a Revenue Optimized Website



Everyone agrees that they need a website, but few think to ask it’s purpose. So the result is often the cumulation of various organization’s wants and needs displayed haphazardly with little thought of priority or importance.

The website exists to generate revenue.

It’s essential that the entire executive commit agrees on this purpose: turning suspects into prospects; prospects into opportunities; opportunities into sales; and customers into evangelists.

There are secondary purposes of course, but they’re distant seconds. A few examples are:

  • Recruiting talent (/careers/)
  • Communicating with investors (/investors/)
  • Showcasing the executive team (/about-us/)
  • Communicate policies (/privacy/)

These are all essential functions, but the vast majority of your visitors are there to read about how to solve a problem that they have, not to read about your amazing origin story.

Once you have this focus, design direction becomes clear.

Form Follows Function

70% of visitors to a great site will only see a single page.

That’s it. Visitors are rarely going to follow some path you’ve envisioned they take in a single session. At the very best you have two pages to convince someone that you’re the answer to their problems. If it isn’t immediately clear how you fit into that equation, they’re going to back to Google and clicking on your competitor. That means that every page needs to stand on its own.

[Graphic: Problem > Solution > Conversion]

The Fundamentals of a Website Optimized for Revenue

  1. Good content
  2. Limited and relevant navigation
  3. Buyer’s journey matched calls to action
  4. Landing pages

Offsite Engagement

Outside of retargeting, you’re only able to reconnect with a visitor if you earned their contact information on that first page.
