Salesforce (CRM) Setup


Fields required and their operation

  • Lead Stage > Contact Stage (select)
    • No Stage: Contacts are imported to CRM. (stage is not assigned until an action is taken)
    • Inquiry (INQ): Lead expresses an interest. (default stage for any inbound lead)
    • Automation Qualified Lead (AQL): Lead is a real person and reached min lead score. (stage automatically assigned once minimum lead score has been reached)
    • Marketing Accepted Lead (MAL): SDR agrees to work the lead. (default stage for any sales imported record; otherwise stage achieved once a lead has been converted to a contact; when implementing, any lead with a sales activity should be marked as MAL)
    • Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL): Prospect agrees to a meeting with FSR. (stage achieved when the contact is attached to a $0 – 5% opportunity)
    • Sales Accepted Lead (SAL): FSR agrees to meet with prospect. (opportunity stage 10% or greater – $0 dollar value)
    • Sales Qualified Lead (SQL): FSR-Prospect agreed to next steps. (contact associated with a 20% opportunity – contact value over $0)
  • Hit (bool) and Hit Date/time (date/time) for each stage (record date/time and BOOL once each stage is achieved — if starting at a stage above INQ, backfill lesser stages at earliest known hit date)
    • INQ Hit / INQ Hit Date
    • AQL Hit / AQL Hit Date 
    • MAL Hit / MAL Hit Date
    • MQL Hit / MQL Hit Date
    • SAL Hit / SAL Hit Date
    • SQL Hit / SQL Hit Date
    • QAO Hit / QAO Hit Date
  • Lead Status (select – Inside sales will use this field when reviewing lead)
    • Open (default)
    • Resolved – Accepted (auto convert to contact record upon selection)
    • Resolved – Not Accepted
  • Lead Status Detail (select – appears when “Lead Status” is set to “Resolved – Not Accepted”, to be filled out by the SDR)
    • Resolved – Not Accepted
      • Bad data
      • Too junior
      • Student
      • Competitor
      • Do not contact
      • Out of TAM [ask spencer tate, “what are reasons you reject leads?”
  • Contact Status (select – Inside sales will use this field to determine next steps required for each contact)
    • Working
    • Connected
    • Opportunity
    • Nurture
    • Disqualified
  • Contact Status Detail (select – appears when “Contact Status” = “Nurture” OR “Disqualified”)
    • No budget
    • No authority
    • Bad timing
    • Not reachable
    • Left company
    • Purchased competitor
    • Out of TAM (Consultant, competitor, student)
  • Contact Type (select – Sync from account type)
    • Active Customer
    • Inactive Customer
    • Competitor
    • Partner
  • Highest Stage Achieved (text – SET upon each change in status, but only going forward)
  • Online Source Information by Touch (text – set automatically by Marketing Automation or 3rd party solution)
    • Source / Medium / Campaign / Term
  • Marketing automation / nurture snooze (for use by anyone who has reason to temporarily remove a contact from automated email touches)
  • Snooze date (to ensure no one is excluded forever)
  • Snooze period 
    • 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, 180 days
  • Conversion story (field on opportunity – opportunity creator writes a narrative on how the opportunity happened. e.g. “John downloaded the currency whitepaper. After reaching out I discovered that the executive team is questioning the effectiveness of their ad buys…”)
  • Total opportunities (total opportunity count – account record, synced to contact)
  • Opportunity closed reason (what exists today?)
  • First meeting date (inside sales sets field when meeting is set)
  • Days until first meeting (days – “first meeting date” – “today”)
  • Days past first meeting (days – “today” – “first meeting day”) 
  • Contact touches (integer, quantity – Activity measurement)
    • Marketing (nurture email, website visit, event)
    • Sales (email, phone call)
  • Time to first sales touch (Time in day/minutes/seconds – Activity measurement)
  • Time to first call (Time in day/minutes/seconds – Activity measurement)